- aut = "Surendra K. Manjrekar"
- Artículo:
Train the Trainer Initiative of the ACI India Chapter
- Autor:
Surendra K. Manjrekar
- Resumen:
Unfortunately, little essential knowledge and understanding of concrete are considered in the majority of engineering degree or diploma programs in India. As a result, engineers who join the industry have to acquire concrete-related experience in the field and through continuing education. This lack of training created a great need for a structured program to train and certify concrete practitioners in various aspects of concrete and related activities. Luckily, that program exists in the form of ACI certification.
- Página:
- Publicación:
Concrete International
- Volúmen:
- Número:
- Periodo:
Julio 2010
- SrcID:
- Documento número 95866
- Actualizado el martes, 23 de mayo de 2017 03:38:22 p. m.
- Creado el martes, 23 de mayo de 2017 03:38:22 p. m.
- Enlace directo
- Artículo:
Train the Trainer Initiative of the ACI India Chapter
- Autor:
Surendra K. Manjrekar
- Resumen:
Unfortunately, little essential knowledge and understanding of concrete are considered in the majority of engineering degree or diploma programs in India. As a result, engineers who join the industry have to acquire concrete-related experience in the field and through continuing education. This lack of training created a great need for a structured program to train and certify concrete practitioners in various aspects of concrete and related activities. Luckily, that program exists in the form of ACI certification.
- Página:
- Publicación:
Concrete International
- Volúmen:
- Número:
- Periodo:
Julio 2010
- SrcID:
- Documento número 986687
- Actualizado el martes, 10 de julio de 2018 11:06:03 a. m.
- Creado el martes, 10 de julio de 2018 11:06:03 a. m.
- Enlace directo
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