- Artículo:
Polymorphism control of superconductivity and magnetism in Cs3C60 close to the Mott transition
- Autor:
Alexey Y. Ganin
Yasuhiro Takabayashi
Peter Jegli?
Denis Ar?on
Anton Poto?nik
Peter J. Baker
Yasuo Ohishi
Martin T. McDonald
Manolis D. Tzirakis
Alec McLennan
George R. Darling
Masaki Takata
Matthew J. Rosseinsky
Kosmas Prassides
- Resumen:
Superconductivity and magnetic order are well known in C60 compounds of the form A3C60 (where A = alkali metal). The spherical C60 molecular ions in these crystals are almost always arranged in a face-centred cubic (f.c.c.) packing, except in Cs3C60, where the known superconducting phase has a body-centred cubic (b.c.c) packing. Now the f.c.c. polymorph for Cs3C60 has been isolated; it too is superconducting, although its magnetic properties are very different to those of its b.c.c counterpart.
- Página:
- Publicación:
- Volúmen:
- Número:
- Periodo:
8 Julio 2010
- SrcID:
- Documento número 307989
- Actualizado el martes, 23 de mayo de 2017 03:58:19 p. m.
- Creado el martes, 23 de mayo de 2017 03:58:19 p. m.
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